We serve many customers, ranging from small businesses, medium
entrepreneurs, to world-renowned companies
Our Services
- MSTC License
- RoHS Certification
- Refurbisher Authorization and License
- Vehicle Scrapping Facility Authorization
- TSDF Facility Service
- CGWA-Water Boring
- Fire NOC
- License for Charging Station in UP
- Electronic Import License
- Waste Export Compliance
- Fly Ash Ceramic Honey Comb
- Factory Compliance
- Man-Made Fibre Industry
- Labour Compliance
- Grinding Mill Business
- Plastic Import License
- Mobile Manufacturing Unit
- Battery Refurbishing Business
- Petroleum Oil Refinery
- Electroplating Anodizing Industry
- CEIG Approval for Electrical Installation
- ESG Report
- BRSR Reporting
- Environmental Audits
- EHS Compliance Audits
- Environmental Clearance
- Half Yearly EC Compliance
- Social Impact Assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
- Waste Water Testing Services
- Environment Management Plan
- Environmental Auditing
- Environmental Litigation
- Wildlife Conservation Plan (WCP)
- Consent for Establishment (CFE)
- Environmental Compliance Monitoring
- Phase II Soil & Groundwater Investigations
- Awareness Program
- ESDD in Agriculture Industry
- ESDD in Pharmaceutical Industry
- ESDD in Food Industry
- ESDD in Healthcare Industry
- Social Due Diligence
- ESDD in Business